The Arkansas INBRE Travel Awards are designed to provide funding to support Arkansas undergraduate and graduate students and faculty for scholarly travel to present their research at regional and national conferences. UA, Fayetteville and UAMS graduate students are not eligible to apply for INBRE Travel Funds.
Link to Application Form
Funds may be used for Arkansas students and faculty who are traveling to either a regional or national meeting/conference to present their scholarly work. Students must identify a faculty mentor who has been involved with the project.
Travel Qualifying for Support. Faculty and students applying for travel funds, who do not intend to present scholarly work, will not qualify for a Travel Award.
While we take a liberal stance on research that qualifies for a Travel Award, please keep in mind that only research that is relevant to human health will qualify for an Arkansas INBRE Travel Award.
All travel funded by the Arkansas INBRE must comply with all relevant travel policies and procedures of their home institution. Violation of federal and state travel policies will result in the forfeiture of the award.
The Arkansas INBRE will reimburse:
- Transportation costs for individuals (e.g., plane tickets) or for groups (e.g., van charges)
- Ground transportation (e.g. taxis/UBERs to and from the airport)
- Lodging (e.g., hotel rooms, dorm rooms)
- Meal expenses (excluding alcohol; must have an itemized receipt), actual expenses reimbursed based on daily federal per diem rates for the conference location.
- Registration fees
Application Process
Arkansas INBRE-supported travelers will be held to the highest possible standards regarding their use of INBRE funds. Therefore, we ask that for all student travel, a faculty member endorse the purpose of their travel as being academically sound. For this reason, each student application is asked to submit a signed letter of endorsement from their faculty mentor who will accept responsibility for working with the student on the logistics and funding of their travel. This does not necessarily mean that the faculty sponsor must travel with the student(s), although typically the faculty sponsor does travel with the students.
Applications should be submitted at least one month before travel will occur. When that is not possible, please contact the Arkansas INBRE office.
Funding will be made available to eligible applicants on a modified “first come, first serve” basis.
Traveler awardees are responsible for making all travel arrangements. Arkansas INBRE Travel Awards are reimbursable, which means that travelers will be reimbursed for expenses following the event. Detailed receipts and documentation of all expenses must be submitted with a final invoice.
Receipts: Students and faculty share in the responsibility for documenting awardee travel in appropriate ways. Travelers should particularly note that they need to keep itemized receipts for ALL expenses paid in order to be reimbursed for those expenses. Paper receipts must be submitted in their original paper form. Receipts must also be itemized (that is, they must include a description of each item/service purchased.) Please submit all travel receipts, etc. to the Arkansas INBRE office as soon as possible following the conference.
Conference Photo: Along with receipts, travelers are asked to submit a photo(s) of themselves at the conference e.g. while giving the talk, standing by their poster, etc. This photo may be used on the Arkansas INBRE website or in other media (Facebook, the Arkansas INBRE brochure, etc.) to promote the Arkansas INBRE.
Contact information:
Program Coordinator and Developmental Research Project (DRP) Program Director
(501) 526-6096 | Email
Project Manager
(501) 526-6503 | Email
AR INBRE Funding Opportunities
- Developmental Research Project Program*: Research Projects (RP) and Pilot Projects (PP)
- Competitive Shared Instrumentation Awards*
- Research Technology Core Voucher Program (due Jan 1, May 1 and Sept 1)
- Mini-Sabbatical Grants (accepted year-round)
- Research Seminar Funding (accepted year-round)
- Travel Awards (accepted year-round)
- Summer Manuscript Support* (no active FOA at this time)
- New Faculty Recruitment Packages* (no active FOA at this time)
*Funding Announcements are contingent upon the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences receiving an award from the National Institutes of Health with adequate funding for each program component.