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This week: Counting down to the Sept 17 deadline of our FOAs! • One AR INBRE-funded researcher receives an R01, another has a new publication • Two RFIs to influence the future of NIH/NIGMS • and more!

Time is running out to submit your proposal for AR INBRE’s FY25 FOAs!
AR INBRE is offering two NEW funding opportunities to support PUI faculty-led research.
Proposals due by 5 pm, Sept 17, 2024.
Pilot Project (PP)
- Funding is for up to 12 months with a direct cost budget not to exceed $50,000
- Up to 6 PPs will be awarded
Research Projects (RP)
- Funding is available up to two years with a direct cost budget not to exceed $125,000 per year
- Up to 8 RPs will be awarded

Equipment Grants
This funding opportunity is to announce funding availability for shared instrumentation / equipment grants to the four-year PUIs in AR INBRE.
The maximum award for each proposal is $40,000. We anticipate making up to 4 awards.
The primary purpose of these Instrumentation Awards is to strengthen research capabilities and secondarily science education at the Arkansas INBRE network institutions. Please note that only one proposal per institution will be awarded. More

Proteomics Vouchers
The IDeA National Resource for Quantitative Proteomics supports a nationwide competitive voucher program that provides fully subsidized access at no cost to the user. The goal of the voucher program is to provide pilot scale data to investigators that will create new hypotheses, drive publications, and support on-going research studies within the mission of NIGMS.
Award: $2,000 voucher for 10-plex TMT or 20 sample DIA. Vouchers are accepted three times a year. Next due date is Oct 15. More

Register NOW!
The Arkansas INBRE Research Conference involves participation from colleges and universities in Arkansas and surrounding states in biological sciences, physics and chemistry and biochemistry. The Conference, hosted in Fayetteville, includes talks, presentations and workshops.
To receive email updates about the conference, send your email address to inbreinf@uark.edu.
Meet the Researcher
This week we highlight one of our 2024 Summer Students Jackson Frederick from the University of the Ozark who researched at UAMS this summer. “This summer has really helped me in opening up opportunities that I wasn’t able to get at my university.” More summer students
Want to be featured in a future newsletter? Email us a short video or photo and blurb with information on your AR INBRE-funded research!

Dr. Robert Shields, assistant professor of microbiology at Arkansas State University has received a $1.77 million R01 grant from the NIH National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research to conduct extensive research into oral health.
Shields will guide a team of faculty members, doctoral degree candidates, students researchers and lab professionals who will delve into the intricate molecular mechanisms underlying tooth decay pathogens.
The R01 is a result of AR INBRE funding. Said Dr. Jerry Ware, AR INBRE Program Coordinator, “Shields is a a current awardee for one of our Research Development Grants (RDGs) – our 2.5 year largest award given offered to PUIs. Certainly, a great accomplishment for him and A-State.” Read more

Dr. Tsunemi Yamashita, biology professor at Arkansas Tech University, and researchers from the University of Arkansas have a recent publication in the journal G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics.
The scientists, which include students and University of Arkansas researchers Douglas Rhoads, Jeff Pummill and Suresh Thallapuranam, have produced a high-quality genome assembly for a scorpion. The genome could lead to the development of new medically relevant pain treatments.
“Dr. Yamashita has been a recipient of several AR INBRE funding mechanisms – research awards (Research Development Grant, Summer Research Grant), and most recently a Summer Manuscript support award (1 month salary),” said Dr. Jerry Ware, AR INBRE Program Coordinator. Read more
NIH releases two Requests for Information

Your feedback is needed to help form the future of NIH and NIGMS in two very important areas – Resource and Centers (for example, the IDeA National Resource for Quantitative Proteomics) and Postdoc Research Training and Career Progression.
RFI: Expanding the Technology Scope of NIGMS Resource and Centers Programs. NIGMS supports National and Regional Resources (NRRs) that provide biomedical researchers with access to mature technologies and Biomedical Technology Optimization and Dissemination (BTOD) Centers that optimize and disseminate late-stage technologies for the research community to use. To meet the evolving research needs of the biomedical research community, NIGMS is seeking input from the extramural community on additional NIGMS mission-related technologies that would be of high value to biomedical research with support of the NRR and BTOD Center programs. RFI responses due Sept 30. More
RFI: Recommendations on Re-envisioning Postdoc Research Training and Career Progression. NIH is dedicated to improving the postdoc experience to ensure the biomedical research enterprise can retain and attract our nation’s brightest scientific minds and remain globally competitive. Your input is needed on:
- Limiting the amount of time a postdoc can be supported by NIH funds
- Revising the K99/R00 mechanism, shortening the eligibility window, and refocusing review criteria
- Promote training and professional development opportunities for postdoctoral scholars and their mentors
Your additional specific suggestions, evidence-based strategies, and relevant data or related experiences will help inform NIH’s potential strategies to implement the recommendations. Feedback will be accepted electronically until Oct 23. More
NCURA Webinar: The Art of Leadership, Communication Skills, and the Importance of People, Sept 12, 2 pm ET. In times of national or institutional crises, your communication skills are critical for leadership. Communication skills underscore the critical role that people play in ensuring your success as an effective research administrator. More
Sept 13 Council Meeting To Spotlight CARE for Health Network and NIH Nutrition Initiatives. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) welcomes you to join the upcoming open session of the National Advisory Council for Complementary and Integrative Health (NACCIH) meeting. The open session will be livestreamed on NIH VideoCast from 10:40 am to 4 pm ET. All are invited to attend online. More
Attend NIH Webinars on Grant Closeout, Fellowship Application and Review. You can register now for a pair of virtual events on key topics:
- NIH Grant Closeout Process: Administrative and Financial Essentials, Sept 17, 1 pm ET
- Revisions to the Fellowship Application and Review Process, Sept 19, 2 pm ET
The former will focus on final progress reports, invention statements, property reports, the Federal Financial Report, and more. The latter will describe new review criteria for fellowship applications, as well as modifications to sections of the PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form, candidate biosketch, and referee letter instructions.
2025 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) takes place April 12-15 in Chicago. Abstract submission and travel award applications open Sept 18. More
FDA/NIH Joint Workshop: Developing Implanted Brain-Computer Interface Clinical Outcome Assessments to Demonstrate Benefit, Sept 19-20. The purpose of the workshop is to discuss the development of clinical outcome assessments (COAs) to evaluate the effectiveness of implanted brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). The Implanted BCI devices that are focus of this workshop are neuroprostheses that interface with the central nervous system to restore lost motor and/or sensory capabilities in people with impairments in motor function and/or communication. Workshop to be held in-person at the FDA Campus in Silver Spring, MD or via Webcast. More
NIH OITE Becoming a Resilient Scientist Webinar Series helps trainees develop the resilience they need to navigate challenging situations at work and in life. Each webinar takes place from 3 to 4:30 pm ET; Group from 3 to 4 pm ET.
- An Introduction to Resilience and Wellness, Sept 23 (Group, Sept 30)
- Exploring our Self-Talk: Cognitive Distortions and Imposter Fears, Oct 7 (Group, Oct 15)
- Self-Advocacy and Assertiveness for Scientists, Oct 21 (Group, Oct 28)
- Developing Feedback Resilience, Nov 4 (Group, Nov 12)
- Managing Up to Maximize Mentoring Relationships, Nov 18
NIH OITE Becoming a Resilient Scientist Webinar Series helps trainees develop the resilience they need to navigate challenging situations at work and in life. Webinars with small group discussion the following week. Each webinar takes place from 3 to 4:30 pm ET; Group from 3 to 4 pm ET.
- An Introduction to Resilience and Wellness, Sept 23 (Group, Sept 30)
- Exploring our Self-Talk: Cognitive Distortions and Imposter Fears, Oct 7 (Group, Oct 15)
- Self-Advocacy and Assertiveness for Scientists, Oct 21 (Group, Oct 28)
- Developing Feedback Resilience, Nov 4 (Group, Nov 12)
- Managing Up to Maximize Mentoring Relationships, Nov 18
NIGMS Modern Equipment for Shared-use Biomedical Research Facilities: Advancing Research-Related Operations (S15). This NOFO, due Sept 25, invites eligible institutions to seek funds to transform or improve the operations of existing shared research facilities through the purchase and installation of latest equipment that enable and enhance a broad range of research-supporting activities. NIGMS will co-fund applications from higher education institutions that award undergrad (BS or BA) and/or grad degrees in biomedical sciences and have received no more than $6M per year (total costs) from . More
NIGMS Bridges to the Doctorate Research Training Program (T32). The goal of the Program is to promote broad participation in the biomedical research workforce by strengthening research training environments and expanding the pool of well-trained master’s students who transition to and complete biomedical PhDs. Apply by Sept 27. More
National Academy of Medicine Annual Meeting 2024: Bridging Science, Practice, and Policy to Advance Mental Health. The National Academy of Medicine will hold its annual meeting on Oct 20-21, in-person and virtual. This dynamic event will feature panels on the social drivers that affect mental health and substance use, emerging science and innovative therapies, and equitable access to mental health care. More
New Video Library for Researchers. NCCIH’s new video library helps investigators better understand some of the complexities of the NIH grant application process, especially as it applies to research on complementary and integrative health. More
Stay Sharp on Best Practices for Genomic Data Sharing. NIH is updating two practices under the NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy to better promote responsible data management and access — modernizing security standards and controlling access to data by developers. The planned changes will go into effect on January 25, 2025.
The specific requirements for security standards and controlled access are quite technical. If you develop or manage platforms, databases, tools, or user interfaces that interact with human genomic data, read the July 25, 2024 Guide notice to assess whether your current approaches are in compliance with the new standards.
Direct questions to NIH’s Office of Science Policy at GDS@mail.nih.gov or (301) 496-9838.
ABRCMS 2024 Abstracts Due
4 pm, NIH OITE Journaling for Career Dev & Personal Growth: Perseverance and Resilience
2025 Amer Heart Assoc Institutional Award for Undergrad Student Training
LOI: NIH NCI Addressing Barriers to Healthcare Transitions for Survivors of Childhood and Adolescent Cancers (R01)
2 pm, NCFDD Curriculum: Overcoming Acad Perfectionism
2 pm, NCURA Webinar: The Art of Leadership, Communication Skills, & Importance of People
2025 Amer Heart Assoc Institute Res Enhance Award
LOI: NIH NIMH Genetic Architecture of Mental Disorders in Ancestrally Div Pops II (U01) (U24)
LOI: NIH NCI Impacts of climate change across the cancer control continuum (R21)
LOI: NIH NIDDK Coord Ctr for Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet (U01)
LOI: NIH NINDS Human Cell & Data Repository (U24)
1 pm, NCFDD Course: Week 1: From the Chair’s Perspective: Insights on Academic Leadership: It’s All About The Relationships
1 pm, NIH OITE Academic Job Search, Applying for Faculty Positions
LOI: NIH NIMH Individ Measured Phenotypes to Adv Comp Translation in Mental Health (U01)
LOI: NIH NIMH Precision Mental Health: Dev Tools to Inform Treatment Selection in Depression (UG3/UH3)