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This week: CURE Development Workshop • AR Researcher has 2 new publications • Free Research Workshop and Webinar Series • and more!

CURE Development Workshop
The Cell Biology Education Consortium (CBEC) is partnering with the Mentoring the Integration of Research into the Classroom group and the University of San Diego to host a one-day CURE development workshop (Dec).
There will be representatives from multiple CURE groups (below), and each will hold concurrent implementation workshops specific to their discipline and project goals.
There is some money to offset travel. Please share the form with anyone in your network who is interested in applying. We are particularly interested in applicants who have not yet tried CUREs. This meeting is timed to follow the Cell Bio 2024 conference. Ideally, a faculty member would come to the workshop and stay for the meeting. The CBEC will host a symposium at the Cell Bio meeting to highlight undergraduate research. Cell Bio is a large, multi-disciplinary, research-focused meeting with STEM education and PUI research-oriented sections. Information on the Cell Bio meeting can be found here.
Said Dr. Nathan Reyna, CBEC Co-Director, “I want Arkansas to be represented at the meeting. Let me know (email) if you need an extension or have questions.” Apply by Oct 1.
Participating Groups:
- BASIL Biochem CURE
- MDH (Biochem) CURE
- (cancer) Cell Culture & Publication of CURE Research
- Incorporating CURES at Community Colleges (Faculty from North West Arkansas Community College)
- Bioinformatics/Genetics
- We will work on common themes across disciplines as a larger group
- Speaker on why we should use CURE to engage students in research

Equipment Grants
This funding opportunity is for shared instrumentation / equipment grants to the four-year PUIs in AR INBRE.
The maximum award for each proposal is $40,000. We anticipate making up to 4 awards.
The primary purpose of these Instrumentation Awards is to strengthen research capabilities and secondarily science education at the Arkansas INBRE network institutions. Only one proposal per institution will be awarded. More

Proteomics Vouchers
The IDeA National Resource for Quantitative Proteomics supports a nationwide competitive voucher program that provides fully subsidized access at no cost to the user. The goal of the program is to provide pilot scale data to investigators that will create new hypotheses, drive publications, and support on-going research studies within the mission of NIGMS.
Award: $2,000 voucher for 10-plex TMT or 20 sample DIA. Vouchers accepted 3x/year. Next due on Oct 15. More

CBEC Vouchers
Want to start a cell-tissue culture project but have no idea what you are doing? The Cell Biology Education Consortium is here to help.
Three different vouchers:
Cell Block Development Voucher (up to $3,000 each); Classroom Implementation Voucher (CURE using Cell Blocks; up to $3,000); and Student Summer Voucher (undergrad student awards; up to $3,000 each).
Vouchers accepted 4x/year. Next due on Oct 15. More
Meet the Researcher
This week we highlight one of our 2024 Summer Students Handel Justus from John Brown University who researched at UAMS this summer. “It’s been an amazing experience. It’s been really great knowing what the research world looks like and I feel like I’m growing a lot in terms of how I work in the lab.” More profiles
Want to be featured in a newsletter? Email us with info on your AR INBRE-funded research!

Dr. Mohammad Abrar Alam, Associate Professor of Chemistry at Arkansas State University, and research teams have produced not one, but two recent publications:
“Domino Reaction Protocol to Synthesize Benzothiophene-Derived Chemical Entities as Potential Therapeutic Agents” was published in The Journal of Organic Chemistry, Vol 89, Issue 6. (Article)
“Efficient Synthesis of Thiazole-Fused Bisnoralcohol Derivatives as Potential Therapeutic Agents” was published in ACS Omega, Vol 9, Issue 22. (Article)
Both of these publications were funded in part by Arkansas INBRE, including a summer research grant and core voucher awarded to Dr. Alam.

Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Centers (MMPC)-Live VIBRANT Program
MMPC-Live is an NIH-sponsored resource that provides subsidized experimental testing services on living mice to scientists studying diabetes, obesity, diabetic complications, and other metabolic diseases. The MMPC-Live VIBRANT program aims to provide pilot funding, phenotyping services, training, and other resources designed to help New Investigators from underrepresented groups or from research institutions that have historically served underrepresented populations. The resources and activities developed by the MMPC-Live VIBRANT program are designed to improve the ability of these researchers to compete for independent funding. VIBRANT activities will contribute to a diverse, high quality national biomedical research force, eventually helping to reduce US health disparities. Learn more

Seminar: How Do Diverse Perspectives Enhance Data Science Outcomes? Seminar to be held by the NIH Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity on Oct 17, 12:30 to 2 pm CT. More/register
Webinar: Navigate NIH Grants Policies in FY2025 with Confidence. This live, virtual event on Oct 17, 12 pm CT, is an opportunity for anyone involved with NIH grants to stay informed on the latest policy news. NIH presenters will cover crucial updates on grant policies, systems, and resources, and discuss how these changes could affect your institution’s compliance processes. More
Reducing Administrative Burden: Redundant Just-in-Time Emails. NIH announced the Retirement of NIH’s Automated Just-in-Time Email Notification. For many years, NIH’s eRA system automatically generated and sent just-in-time (JIT) email notifications. Since NIH’s institutes and centers (ICs) also send JIT email notifications, which are not automatically generated by an electronic system, only NIH ICs will continue to send JIT emails. More

Workshops and Webinars Series. Delaware INBRE and their lead institution, the University of Delaware, are offering a virtual series to help with your research. All are open to the public.
- Oct 1, 2 pm: Basics of Research Data Management. During this workshop, explore basic concepts and best practices of research data management that will help ensure your research is reproducible and rigorous.
- Oct 1, 4 pm: BioRender 201 Webinar Review. Review and master the basics in BioRender, and then deep dive into the platform’s latest features.
- Oct 22, 3 pm: Finding Government Data for Your Research. Discover search strategies for finding data created by government agencies and departments.
- Oct 22, 2:30 pm: Creating Top Notch Publication Figures with BioRender. Learn actionable tips and techniques for designing clear science figures for journal publications.
- Nov 7, 1 pm: Data Management Planning with the DMPTool. Discover how to write a data management plan and how to use the DMPTool, an online system designed to assist in writing plans, to make the process easier.

National Disease Research Interchange (NDRI) Pilot Award Program. The Pilot Award Program (applications due 5 pm ET, Oct 1) is a new component of NDRI’s NIH-supported U42 program the Human Tissues and Organs for Research Resource (HTORR). The two-year awards provided through the Pilot Award Program will include up to ~10 biological samples per awarded investigator, covering all costs associated with obtaining the biospecimens, including tissue preservation reagents and shipping costs. Beyond the service period and experimental analysis phase, the awardee will also receive supplementary support to develop grant applications to the NIH Institute that supported their award.

Becoming a Resilient Scientist Webinar Series. Each webinar takes place from 2 to 3:30 pm CT; Group from 2 to 3 pm CT.
- Exploring our Self-Talk: Cognitive Distortions and Imposter Fears, Oct 7 (Group, Oct 15)
- Self-Advocacy and Assertiveness for Scientists, Oct 21 (Group, Oct 28)
- Developing Feedback Resilience, Nov 4 (Group, Nov 12)
- Managing Up to Maximize Mentoring Relationships, Nov 18

Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research. Undergrad and grad students currently enrolled in degree seeking programs may apply. Membership in Sigma Xi is not required to apply. Award amounts for Sigma Xi members range from $500 to $5,000 for grad applicants and $500 to $2,000 for undergrad applicants. Non-members, both grad and undergrad, are available up to $1,000. Both members and non-members are eligible for grants of up to $2,500 for vision related research. Apply by Oct 1. More

SuRE Resource Center STUDENT/TRAINEE Webinar: I Feel Like I’m Faking It, You?, Oct 10, 3 pm ET. Do you believe you only achieved success because you were lucky? Have you ever tried to hide your supposed lack of ability? If so, this trainee-focused webinar is for you. You’ll gain valuable insights into identifying imposter behaviors and practical strategies to overcome them, empowering you to take control of your success. More/register

NIGMS’s Becoming a Scientist career miniseries continues with installment #2: What Careers Can Biomedical Scientists Have? Many of us enjoy learning about topics like plants, weather, or rocks, but did you know that you can make a career out of your love for science? Scientist is a job title, just like carpenter, firefighter, or lawyer. At NIGMS, we work to get students interested in careers in health science.
Read on to learn about some of the different jobs that biomedical scientists do and the level of education they require. And who knows, maybe this post will spark your interest in pursuing one of these jobs in the future!
1 pm, NCFDD Course #2 – From the Chair’s Perspective: You’re The Boss And Other Myths About Being Chair
1 pm, NIH OITE Postbac Career Exploration Series: Clin Psych
2 pm, NCURA Webinar: The RPPR Matrix – Decoding and Problem Solving the NIH Progress Report System
Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research program
1 pm, NCFDD Course #3: Insights on Acad Leadership: Little Fires Everywhere
NIH/NSF Smart Health & Biomed Res in the Era of AI & Adv Data Sci (SCH)
LOI: NIH NIAID Promoting Innovative Res in Treponema pallidum Pathogenesis (R21)
NIH NINDS/NIA Mechanistic & Hemodynamic Basis of Diffuse White Matter Disease in Vascular Contributions to Cognitive Impairment & Dementia (R01)
NIH NINDS/NIA Mechanistic Investigations into ADRD Assoc Protein Structures in Bio Settings (R01)
NIH Protective Strategies to Reduce Amyloid Related Imaging Abnormalities (ARIA) After Anti-Amyloid Beta Immunotherapy (R01)
NIH Adv & Innov in Measurement of Language Dev & Predictors (R01)
NIH Interventions to Reduce Sleep Health Disparities (R01)
NIH NCI Basic Res in Cancer Health Disparities (R01)
NIH NCI Modular R01s in Cancer Control & Population Sci (R01)
NIH NIDCR Research Grants for Analyses of Existing Genomics Data (R01)
NIH Res With Activities Related to Diversity (ReWARD) (R01)
NOSI: NIH NIAID Systems Modeling of Infection and Immunity Across Biological Scales
2 pm ET, NCURA Webinar: Culture of Compliance: What is it and How to Develop One