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This week: New Career Miniseries from NIGMS • Website Updates • Student Webinar: I Feel Like I’m Faking It, You? • and more!

New Career Miniseries from NIGMS: Becoming a Scientist
#1: How Can I Become a Biomedical Scientist?
Do you love learning about science but aren’t sure how to turn it into a career? Or maybe you already know that you want to be a scientist but you’re wondering what steps it takes? If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place!
For most people, the path to becoming a scientist starts in the classroom, where you might be introduced to topics like biology, chemistry, and physics. After high school, some science-loving students choose to follow a path to becoming a doctor or a teacher, but those are just two of the many biomedical scientific careers available.
Regardless of what field you’re interested in, the NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) presents a rough guide to the different levels of training that scientists may have in the first installment of this new career-focused miniseries. Read the article

Research Conference
The annual AR INBRE Research Conference involves participation from colleges and universities in Arkansas and surrounding states in biological sciences, physics and chemistry/biochemistry.
Conference features workshops, faculty and student presentations, poster sessions and Keynote Seminar presented by Dr. Ying Ge, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Registration will close on Mon, Sept 23 (or sooner if capacity is reached early). More/register

Equipment Grants
This funding opportunity is to announce funding availability for shared instrumentation / equipment grants to the four-year PUIs in AR INBRE.
The maximum award for each proposal is $40,000. We anticipate making up to 4 awards.
The primary purpose of these Instrumentation Awards is to strengthen research capabilities and secondarily science education at the Arkansas INBRE network institutions. Please note that only one proposal per institution will be awarded. More

Proteomics Vouchers
The IDeA National Resource for Quantitative Proteomics supports a nationwide competitive voucher program that provides fully subsidized access at no cost to the user. The goal of the voucher program is to provide pilot scale data to investigators that will create new hypotheses, drive publications, and support on-going research studies within the mission of NIGMS.
Award: $2,000 voucher for 10-plex TMT or 20 sample DIA. Vouchers are accepted three times a year. Next due date is Oct 15. More
Meet the Researcher
This week we highlight one of our 2024 Summer Students Katie Gray from Hendrix College who researched at UAMS this summer. “Research is much more than I expected. It is not like everything you see in the movies. It is an amazing experience — I would definitely recommend any future students to try and do a summer program.” More students
Want to be featured in a newsletter? Email us with info on your AR INBRE-funded research!

Changes Coming to our Website
If you’ve visited our website recently, you may have seen some of the new updates. To better serve visitors, we are revamping our website to ensure page information is up-to-date, information is easy to find, new information is added (and old information removed) and the pages are visually appealing.
Please bear with us while we make these changes. If you have any difficulties with the site, contact our Media Specialist Cyndy Buckhaults, email.
We would like to hear from you about the website – Anything you like/don’t like? Anything you wish we’d add? Email Cyndy!
Student/Trainee Webinar: “I Feel Like I’m Faking It, You?”

Join the SuRE Resource Center for this student/training-focused webinar on Oct 10, 2 pm CT.
Do you believe you only achieved success because you were lucky? Have you ever tried to hide your supposed lack of ability? If so, this trainee-focused webinar is for you.
You’ll gain valuable insights into identifying imposter behaviors and practical strategies to overcome them, empowering you to take control of your success.
Presentation Objectives:
- Identify various forms of imposter behaviors that manifest as thoughts or actions.
- Execute strategies to alleviate the effects of imposter behavior on your success.

Webinar: Revisions to the Fellowship Application and Review Process, Sept 19, 1 pm CT. Webinar will describe new review criteria for fellowship applications, as well as modifications to sections of the PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form, candidate biosketch, and referee letter instructions. More
Seminar: How Do Diverse Perspectives Enhance Data Science Outcomes? The 2024–2025 Scientific Workforce Diversity Seminar Series kicks off with a conversation on the benefits of diverse perspectives in data science. Seminar to be held by the NIH Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity. Oct 17, 12:30 to 2 pm CT. More/register
Webinar: Navigate NIH Grants Policies in FY2025 with Confidence. This live, virtual event on Oct 17, 12 pm CT, is an opportunity for anyone involved with NIH grants to stay informed on the latest policy news. NIH presenters will cover crucial updates on grant policies, systems, and resources, and discuss how these changes could affect your institution’s compliance processes. More
Reminder: NIH Reminder: “Flatten” PDF Files before Submitting to NIH. NIH requires submission of PDF attachments as part of both the application process and post award activities. Many of these attachments must be flattened before submission. More

Unlock up to $500K in funding, expert mentorship, and development support. The NIH Blueprint MedTech: Incubator Hubs aim to address such challenges by accelerating the development of cutting-edge medical devices that will prevent, diagnose, and/or treat disorders involving the nervous system or consequences of such a disease or injury. Submit your pre-proposal by Oct 4. More
Info webinar: Sept 18, 3 pm CT. Register

Webinar: Academic Job Search, Applying for Faculty Positions (Overview, Job Packages). Webinar Series, Sept 18, 12 pm CT. As you begin your search for a faculty job, it is important to be aware of all the aspects of this complex process. This workshop provides an overview of what you need to do to ensure a productive academic job search. Topics covered in this session include: finding job opportunities, assessing your goals, and preparing your application packet. More
Becoming a Resilient Scientist Webinar Series. Each webinar takes place from 2 to 3:30 pm CT; Group from 2 to 3 pm CT.
- An Introduction to Resilience and Wellness, Sept 23 (Group, Sept 30)
- Exploring our Self-Talk: Cognitive Distortions and Imposter Fears, Oct 7 (Group, Oct 15)
- Self-Advocacy and Assertiveness for Scientists, Oct 21 (Group, Oct 28)
- Developing Feedback Resilience, Nov 4 (Group, Nov 12)
- Managing Up to Maximize Mentoring Relationships, Nov 18

Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research. Undergrad and grad students currently enrolled in degree seeking programs may apply. Membership in Sigma Xi is not required to apply.
Award amounts for Sigma Xi members range from $500 to $5,000 for grad applicants and $500 to $2,000 for undergrad applicants. Non-members, both grad and undergrad, are available up to $1,000.
Both members and non-members are eligible for designated funds from the National Academy of Sciences that allow for grants of up to $5,000 for astronomy research and $2,500 for vision related research. Apply by Oct 1. More
1 pm, NCFDD Course: #1 – From the Chair’s Perspective: Insights on Academic Leadership: It’s All About The Relationships
LOI: NIH NIMH Individ Measured Phenotypes to Adv Comp Translation in Mental Health (U01)
LOI: NIH NIMH Precision Mental Health: Dev Tools to Inform Treatment Selection in Depression (UG3/UH3)
LOI: NIH NIA Mentored Career Enhance Awards to Build Cross-Disciplin Knowledge & Skills for Comparative Studies of Human & Nonhuman Primate Species with Differing Life Spans (K18)
LOI: NIH NCCIH Natural Product Early Phase Clin Trial Award (R33) / Phased Innovation Award (R61/R33)
LOI: NIH NCCIH/NIA Feasibility Trials of the NIH Music-based Interventions Toolkit for Brain Disorders of Aging (R34)
3 pm, Pre-App Webinar for “RNA Modifications Driving Oncogenesis (U01)” Prog
4 pm, NIH OITE Journaling for Career Dev & Personal Growth: Perseverance & Resilience
1 pm, NCFDD Course #2 – From the Chair’s Perspective: You’re The Boss And Other Myths About Being Chair
NIH NIGMS Bridges to the Bacc Res Training Prog (T34)