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This week: AR INBRE Equipment Grant proposals due next week! • See how the AR INBRE Program participating institutions scored on the US News & World Report 2025 Best Colleges rankings • Webinar: Can NSF Funding be a Good Option to Support Your Research Program? • and more!

Deadline is NEXT WEEK!
This funding opportunity announces available funding for shared instrumentation/equipment grants to the PUIs in the Arkansas INBRE. Opportunity is limited to four-year, Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs) in Arkansas. Investigators from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences are not eligible to apply. Please note that only one proposal per institution will be awarded.
Applications that propose to purchase scientific equipment that can be used by multiple investigators and institutions will receive the highest priority.
The funding period would be Nov 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025.
The maximum award for each proposal is $40,000. With available funds, we anticipate making up to 4 awards. More

Proteomics Vouchers
The IDeA National Resource for Quantitative Proteomics supports a nationwide competitive voucher program that provides fully subsidized access at no cost to the user. The goal of the program is to provide pilot scale data to investigators that will create new hypotheses, drive publications, and support on-going research studies within the mission of NIGMS.
Award: $2,000 voucher for 10-plex TMT or 20 sample DIA. Vouchers accepted 3x/year. Next due on Oct 15. More

CBEC Vouchers
Want to start a cell-tissue culture project but have no idea what you are doing? The Cell Biology Education Consortium is here to help.
Three different vouchers:
Cell Block Development Voucher (up to $3,000 each); Classroom Implementation Voucher (CURE using Cell Blocks; up to $3,000); and Student Summer Voucher (undergrad student awards; up to $3,000 each).
Vouchers accepted 4x/year. Next due on Oct 15. More

Director Honored
Dr. Stephanie Byrum, AR INBRE Data Science Core Director, was honored with a Distinguished Alumni Award from the Atlanta Education Foundation, Atlanta, TX. The purpose of the distinguished Alumni Awards Program is to recognize and honor former students of the Atlanta Independent School District whose achievements, strengths of character and citizenship serve as models to inspire and challenge today’s students. Byrum, a class of 2000 graduate of Atlanta High School, is a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at UAMS.
Meet the Researcher
This week we highlight one of our 2024 Summer Students Ella Kelly from Hendrix College who researched at UAMS this summer. “I’ve gotten to meet a lot of cool and amazing faculty and other students. I’ve gotten to work with MRI research and learn a lot about research in neuroscience.” More profiles
Want to be featured in a newsletter? Email us with info on your AR INBRE-funded news!

Best Colleges and Universities Rankings Announced
US News & World Report has released their Best College and Universities lists for 2025. Following are the rankings for most of the AR INBRE program participating institutions (only the top 100 rankings are shown). To see the full list of rankings, click the name of each institution.
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
AR INBRE Lead Institution
• Tier 3, Best Medical Schools: Research
• Tier 1, Best Medical Schools: Primary Care
• #9, Most Grads Practicing in Health Professional Shortage Areas
• #11, Most Graduates Practicing in Rural Areas
• #22, Most Grads Practicing in Primary Care (tie)
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
• #98, Best Undergrad Engineering Programs (tie)
• #103, Top Public Schools (tie)
Arkansas Tech University
• #32, Top Public Schools (tie)
• #65, Regional Universities South (tie)
• #88, Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)
Central Baptist College
• #59, Regional Colleges South (tie)
Henderson State University
• #53, Top Public Schools
John Brown University
• #12, Regional Universities South (tie)
• #21, Best Value Schools
• #54, Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)
Lyon College
#85, Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)
Philander Smith University
• #30, Top Performers on Social Mobility
• #40, HBCUs (tie)
• #55, Regional Colleges South
Southern Arkansas University
• #38, Top Public Schools (tie)
• #78, Regional Universities South (tie)
• #78, Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)
University of Arkansas, Fort Smith
• #6, Top Public Schools
• #22, Regional Universities South (tie)
• #58, Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)
University of Arkansas, Monticello
#57-58, Top Public Schools
University of Arkansas, Little Rock
University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff
#5, Top Public Schools
#7, Best Colleges for Veterans
#21, Regional Colleges South
#27, HBCUs (tie)
#27, Top Performers on Social Mobility
University of Central Arkansas
University of the Ozarks
#1, Best Value Schools
#4, Regional Colleges South
#40, Top Performers on Social Mobility

WEBINAR: Can NSF Funding be a Good Option to Support Your Research Program?
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent agency of the United States federal government that supports fundamental research and education in all the non-medical fields of science and engineering. One of the SuRE Resource Center’s staff, a member of the University of Kentucky Proposal Development Office, who works with NSF proposals and an NSF-funded investigator who also served as a rotating program officer with NSF will provide:
- An overview of the NSFThanks for
- A review of NSF funding mechanisms and basic grant requirements
- Considerations on whether NSF might be a good fit for your research
Webinar to be held Oct 23, 2 to 3 pm ET. Register

Becoming a Resilient Scientist Webinar Series. Each webinar takes place from 2 to 3:30 pm CT; Group from 2 to 3 pm CT.
- Exploring our Self-Talk: Cognitive Distortions and Imposter Fears, Oct 7 (Group, Oct 15)
- Self-Advocacy and Assertiveness for Scientists, Oct 21 (Group, Oct 28)
- Developing Feedback Resilience, Nov 4 (Group, Nov 12)
- Managing Up to Maximize Mentoring Relationships, Nov 18

SuRE Resource Center STUDENT/TRAINEE Webinar: I Feel Like I’m Faking It, You?, Oct 10, 3 pm ET. Do you believe you only achieved success because you were lucky? Have you ever tried to hide your supposed lack of ability? If so, this trainee-focused webinar is for you. You’ll gain valuable insights into identifying imposter behaviors and practical strategies to overcome them, empowering you to take control of your success. More/register

Seminar: How Do Diverse Perspectives Enhance Data Science Outcomes? Seminar to be held by the NIH Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity on Oct 17, 12:30 to 2 pm CT. More/register
Webinar: Navigate NIH Grants Policies in FY2025 with Confidence. This live, virtual event on Oct 17, 12 pm CT, is an opportunity for anyone involved with NIH grants to stay informed on the latest policy news. NIH presenters will cover crucial updates on grant policies, systems, and resources, and discuss how these changes could affect your institution’s compliance processes. More

Workshops and Webinars Series. Delaware INBRE and their lead institution, the University of Delaware, are offering a virtual series to help with your research. All are open to the public.
- Oct 22, 3 pm: Finding Government Data for Your Research. Discover search strategies for finding data created by government agencies and departments.
- Oct 22, 2:30 pm: Creating Top Notch Publication Figures with BioRender. Learn actionable tips and techniques for designing clear science figures for journal publications.
- Nov 7, 1 pm: Data Management Planning with the DMPTool. Discover how to write a data management plan and how to use the DMPTool, an online system designed to assist in writing plans, to make the process easier.

Earn FREE Continuing Education Credit at the Advancing Precision Medicine (APM) Conference, Philadelphia, PA, Nov 1-2. What if you could earn free CME credits and learn from leading experts in precision oncology, cell and gene therapy, rare disease, and spatial biology? Now is your chance! APM is announces that continuing medical education (CME) credits will be available for attendees of the APM Conference — at no cost to health care professionals. Use the code CME to receive complimentary registration. General attendees, use the code APM79 to receive a special rate of $79. More

Broadening Biomedical Research Workforce Participation Through Culturally Responsive Mentorship Conference, Jan 16-17, Ft. Worth, TX. Conference, funded by NIGMS, will unite leaders, administrators, researchers, mentors, policymakers, directors, and mentees from various career stages to explore innovative, culturally responsive mentorship strategies in STEMM and biomedical / behavioral research. It will feature interactive presentations and breakout sessions aimed at helping attendees define and develop a future prospectus to enhance participation.. More

National Research Mentoring Network Unconscious Bias Course is designed to help you recognize and address unconscious biases that impact decision-making and interactions in various settings. By exploring unconscious bias, microaggressions, practical solutions, self-awareness, and biases in STEM disciplines, you’ll gain valuable insights and tools to foster a more inclusive environment. The course is divided into five modules, each taking around 20 minutes, and can be completed at your own pace. A certificate is awarded upon finishing all modules. More

Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Centers (MMPC)-Live VIBRANT Program. MMPC-Live is an NIH-sponsored resource that provides subsidized experimental testing services on living mice to scientists studying diabetes, obesity, diabetic complications, and other metabolic diseases. The MMPC-Live VIBRANT program aims to provide pilot funding, phenotyping services, training, and other resources designed to help New Investigators from underrepresented groups or from research institutions that have historically served underrepresented populations. The resources and activities developed by the MMPC-Live VIBRANT program are designed to improve the ability of these researchers to compete for independent funding. VIBRANT activities will contribute to a diverse, high quality national biomedical research force, eventually helping to reduce US health disparities. More
2 pm ET, NCURA Webinar: Culture of Compliance: What is it and How to Develop One
1 pm ET, NCFDD Course #4: Q&A From the Chair’s Perspective: Insights on Academic Leadership
OCT 10
2 pm ET, NCFDD Core Curriculum: How to Engage in Healthy Conflict
NIH NCI Clinical and Translational Explor/Dev Studies (R21)
OCT 12
NIH HEAL Initiative PainCare Clinician Training Prog: Mentored Clin Sci Dev Awards
— K08 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Req’d
— K08 Clin Trials Not Allowed
— K08 Clin Trials Req’d
NIH HEAL Initiative PainCare Clinician Training Prog: Mentored Patient-Oriented Res Career Dev award (K23)
NIH Max Opps for Sci & Academ Independ Careers (MOSAIC) Postdoc Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity
— K99/R00 Independ Basic Exp Studies with Humans Req’d
— K99/R00 Independ Clin Trial Req’d
— K99/R00 Independ Clin Trial Not Allowed
NIH NCI Transition Career Dev Award (K22)
NIH NINDS Faculty Dev Award to Promote Diversity in Neurosci Res
— K01 Independ Clin Trial Not Allowed
— K01 Independ Clin Trial Req’d
NIH NINDS/NIA Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Dementias (ADRD) Adv Postdoc Career Transition Award
— K99/R00
— to Promote Diversity (K99/R00)
NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00)
OCT 13
LOI: NIH NIDA Trans’l Resource Ctrs to Build Bridges Between Substance Use Epidem/Etiology & Prevention Intervention Res (U24)
OCT 14
NIH NHLBI Mentored Career Dev Award to Promote Faculty Diversity in Biomed Res (K01)
OCT 15
(AIDS) LOI: NIH NIDA Effect of HIV & Substance Use Comorbidity on the Placenta & Maternal Outcomes (R01)
LOI: NIH NIAAA Comprehensive Alcohol Res Ctrs (P60)
LOI: NIH NIAAA Specialized Alcohol Res Ctrs (P50)